WordPress Plugins for Experts!

We build high quality WordPress plugins to help you make better websites in less time.

This way you will be able to offer really shamazing services to your customers 😉

WordPress Plugins

We build plugins to make your WordPress Business better!

Agency Toolset Plugin

The Missing Piece for Your WordPress Business!

Brand your WordPress projects & reduce your plugin list. And the best part is … you can white label the Agency Toolset plugin and brand it as your own WordPress plugin!

Video Blocker Plugin

Load YouTube videos only if it’s necessary!

This plugin will increase the pagespeed of your website and the video consent popup will make your website more GDPR compliant.

The Team & Our Mission

We met through YouTube and share the same passion: WordPress. We’ve been working with WordPress for a total of 20 years and that’s why we know exactly what you need to build a good website!

Our Mission

Building amazing WordPress plugins that save time without unnecessary “bells and whistles”!

Voices from our community​

Video Blocker Download